Smart Growth

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24 June 2016

Key EU contribution to decent work at the 105th International Labour Conference

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was the guest of honour of this year's International Labour Conference, the supreme body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), that took place in Geneva over May-June 2016.
23 June 2016

Successful business transfers: Essential for creating opportunities and preserving employment

Published : Thu, 23 Jun 2016 This week, the European Association of Guarantee Institutions (AECM) is organising its annual general assembly combined with a seminar on the transfer of businesses, followed by a global summit of SME guarantee ...
21 June 2016

New 'Entrepreneurship Competence Framework' to raise awareness of entrepreneurial skills

Published : Tue, 21 Jun 2016 As part of the Skills Agenda for Europe, the Commission has published an 'Entrepreneurship Competence Framework' to raise consensus about what entrepreneurship skills are.
20 June 2016

Digital Entrepreneurship Scoreboard - Make your voice heard!

Published : Mon, 20 Jun 2016 The European Commission is seeking the views of European companies in the automotive, mechanical engineering and pharmaceutical sectors in order to tackle bottlenecks for digitalisation and to create an...
13 June 2016

Joint Initiative on Standardisation: responding to a changing marketplace

Published : Mon, 13 Jun 2016 Standards are all around us, they affect all our lives even if we are often unaware of them. Standards set requirements for specific items, materials, components, systems and services, or describe a method or pr...
