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08 October 2015

Workshop: Space projects under the Investment Plan - financing possibilities

Published : Thu, 08 Oct 2015 Event: 24/11 > 24/11/2015 @ DG GROW Auditorium This workshop is aimed at space sector representatives and will be an occasion to get a better understanding about practical tools for access to finance including...
20 October 2015

Final conference of the mapping exercise and performance check of the EU’s tourism education and training offer

The European Commission, with the assistance of a consortium formed by the Centre for strategy & evaluation services (UK), NECSTouR (the Network of European regions for a sustainable and competitive tourism) and Fondazione Campus (IT), is currently mappin...
17 September 2015

New European Commission web tool helps SMEs to innovate

Published : Fri, 18 Sep 2015 With the launch of a new web tool, the European Commission is making it easier for for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access state-of-the-art technological services across Europe.
21 September 2015

Validation workshop for study on the cumulative cost assessment for the EU chemical industry

The study on the cumulative cost assessment for the EU chemical industry was launched in July 2014, for a period of 15 months. As specified in the terms of reference, a validation workshop will be organised by the Commission so as to enable all interested...
04 August 2015

European Sustainable Chemicals Support Service - Call for Tender (EASME/COSME)

Published : Wed, 05 Aug 2015 Through this call for tender, the European Commission aims to establish the 'European Sustainable Chemicals Support Service', to provide advisory support services to six 'Model Demonstrator Regions'.
